Challenge Accepted

Week-long Celebration?

by Regina Antonio

For our institution’s 10th Founding Anniversary, various activities that we students could participate on were conducted.  This week-long celebration was indeed enjoyable but does it really help the institution extend the students’ competencies? 

Come to think of it, seven days of not learning a lesson, a week of mandatory participating the seminars rather than preparing ourselves for the upcoming exams which are scheduled a month after. I thought we paid our tuition because we want to be given quality education?

A theme in accord to SDCA’s Core Values was assigned to each day of the Foundation week and every day, there is a highlighted event held mostly every night. Thus, the whole day wasn’t relevant at all and the last events were the only ones the students are interested in. Why didn’t they just minimize the events and compressed the fun and exciting activities in two or three days? 

The campus was also filled with booths of several brands of products. I understand that they are the school’s sponsor but it’s really annoying when they religiously persuade the students on buying their products. There were also seminars that ought to be attended by students but it will be more interesting  if a survey from the students was conducted before the the topics will be finalized.

Lastly, the most talked about Mr. and Ms. SDCA coronation night. I expected that it will be a smooth program but it turned out differently. The program was supposed to start at 7pm but due to unexpected problems, it was delayed, not to mention the dead air and long waste of time while the program was happening, resulting into the students going home late after waiting so much for the final verdict.

I know that it is not bad to celebrate once in a while but just like the cliché says, “Use time wisely,” because every second matters.  As a conclusion, it would still be better if we would lessen the not so important things and prioritize those that are worth spending time with.


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