
A Yolanda Survivor: The New Dominican

by Regina Antonio

Eighth of November. It’s just a typical day and fine to spend their time with their loved ones but it turns out that this day will be memorable for a tragic reason.

“Life is short and living here on Earth is just a preparation”. This was the statement made by Finy Maeh Kahano, a second year student in Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Sciences who transferred in St. Dominic College of Asia (SDCA) after their whole community has been raged by the super typhoon Yolanda.

The super typhoon Yolanda made its landfall on the province of Visayas, including Tacloban area which affected the most. During this heavy rainfall of Yolanda, Finy and her family kept their faith in God and together their pray in their house. Finy thought that it was a miracle that their house is not blown away by the strong wind just like other houses that she saw in their community. 

As she narrates the tragic situation they’ve been through, Finy can’t help to be upset and teary as if it was a bad dream and she wishes to be awake right away. “Parang may galit sa tao na gusto niyang kunin. Nakakaiyak kasi yung feeling na wala ng mapuntahan at walang makain”… this is how she described how she saw Yolanda and the disaster it brought to her hometown.

Opening a new chapter in her life, she and her family went to Cavite after the typhoon, they are currently staying with their distant relatives that Finy known for the first time. In their new found home, the neighbourhood take their part in helping her to attend school again and continue her studies at SDCA that welcomed her. Transferring to a new school made her gain new friends that will help her to move on to her traumatic experience.

As of now, Finy has no plans of going back again to Tacloban, learning that the crime cases had grown all over the place, she plans to stay at Cavite until she graduates. Conquering the typhoon and seeing a disastrous scene by your bare eyes, it’s like you’ve been on hell. But she’s been positive about life that she took this incident as a trial that they need to overcome and keep going because this is God’s will unto them.

Finy is just one of the survivors in the rage of Yolanda. She and her family adopt themselves to the immediate changes that they have to live with. Her encounter with this wrath of nature has been a total life changer.

She is also one of those survivors who never lost their hope and still keeping her faith in God that everything will be once again alright in his own perfect time.

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